Stationery shop Stationery in Alexandria


El Fagala

: Stationery shop

: الفرع الأول: المنشية -سوق الورق - الفرع الثاني: سيدى بشر -شارع المسرح.

مكتبة خالد (الصفا)

: Stationery shop

: ٨شارع الصفا والمروة

Pharaohs Bookstore

: Stationery shop

: شارع عبدالفتاح الطلخاوى - البيطاش العجمى


: Stationery shop

: شارع مسجد سيدى بشر- بجوار الشؤون الاجتماعية وشركه كهرباء سيدى بشر

    There are 313 stationery shop in Alexandria. Those stationery shop are distributed on 59 areas. The highest number of stationery shop are in Sidi Beshr. There are 32 stationery shop in Sidi Beshr. Whereas the lowest number of stationery shop are in Alexandria Matrouh Road. There are only 1 stationery shop in Alexandria Matrouh Road. Stationery shop in Alexandria are categorizing their selves under 3 keywords. The most frequently used keyword is School Tool. 11 stationery shop categorized itself under School Tool.