Stationery shop School Tool in Port Said


Emad El Din Stationery

: Stationery shop

: ش الجمهورية تقاطع ش اوجينا, حى الشرق, بور سعيد

    There are 18 stationery shop in Port Said. Those stationery shop are distributed on 3 areas. The highest number of stationery shop are in Port Fuad. There are 8 stationery shop in Port Fuad. Whereas the lowest number of stationery shop are in El Dawahy District. There are only 3 stationery shop in El Dawahy District. Stationery shop in Port Said are categorizing their selves under 1 keywords. The most frequently used keyword is School Tool. 1 stationery shop categorized itself under School Tool.