Al Agouza Private School

0237495315 - 37609497

25 ش محمد عوف

    Al Agouza Private School is in El Agouza, Giza. Al Agouza Private School is recognized by the keywords: Private, and Preparatory, and Primary, and fees from 6000 to 8000 EGP.

    Private feature which is in Al Agouza Private School, is also found in 870 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Preparatory feature which is in Al Agouza Private School, is also found in 680 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Primary feature which is in Al Agouza Private School, is also found in 804 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    fees from 6000 to 8000 EGP feature which is in Al Agouza Private School, is also found in 132 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 34 school in El Agouza , the same area of Al Agouza Private School, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 1651 school in Giza , the same city of Al Agouza Private School, you can see them by clicking here.

    Al Agouza private school

    Founded: 1952


    KG 1: EGP 4,500
    KG 2: EGP 4,500
    Primary 1: EGP 5,500
    Primary 2: EGP 5,500
    Primary 3: EGP 5,500
    Primary 4: EGP 5,500
    Primary 5: EGP 5,500
    Primary 6: EGP 5,500
    Preparatory 1: EGP 6,200
    Preparatory 2: EGP 6,200
    Preparatory 3: EGP 6,200
    Transportation: EGP 1,950
    School uniforms: 130 Egyptian pounds
    - Transfers begin in May
    - Kindergarten age: 4 years
    Application start: مايو|| Application end: يوليو



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