Nabt El-Gana Nursery


البنفسج 1 فيلا 198 خلف معهد تاجان الازهرى - القاهرة الجديدة

    Nabt El-Gana Nursery is in New Cairo, Cairo. Nabt El-Gana Nursery is recognized by the keywords: Islamic Manners, and english, and arabic, and Medical Care, and Has Quran, and Show map logo, and Private.

    Islamic Manners feature which is in Nabt El-Gana Nursery, is also found in 82 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here

    english feature which is in Nabt El-Gana Nursery, is also found in 146 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    arabic feature which is in Nabt El-Gana Nursery, is also found in 121 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Medical Care feature which is in Nabt El-Gana Nursery, is also found in 115 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Has Quran feature which is in Nabt El-Gana Nursery, is also found in 105 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Show map logo feature which is in Nabt El-Gana Nursery, is also found in 80 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Private feature which is in Nabt El-Gana Nursery, is also found in 3010 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 258 nursery in New Cairo , the same area of Nabt El-Gana Nursery, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 2314 nursery in Cairo , the same city of Nabt El-Gana Nursery, you can see them by clicking here.

    Nabt El-gana Nursery

    *   تعليم تفسير القرآن والسيرة النبوية الشريفة والأحاديث للأطفال.

    *   معاملات وآداب إسلامية.

    <*   الاهتمام بتعليم اللغة العربية كتابة ومحادثة.

    *   تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية كتابة ومحادثة.

    *   أنشطة تعليمية وفنية وترفيهية.

    *   نشاط رياضي.

    *   أنشطة فنية لتنمية المهارات وإبراز المواهب.

    *   رحلات شهرية لتنمية الإدراك وحفلات ترفيهية .

    *   تكريم المتفوقين من الأطفال في حفظ القرآن والدرجات العامة.

    *   تصوير الأطفال أسبوعيا وشهريا لمراقبة مراحل نمو الطفل.

    *   أوتوبيس توصيل الأطفال.


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