Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools

0552375551 - 2375552

- [email protected] [email protected]

ش الشهيد الطيار أحمد فؤاد بكر متفرع من طريق الأحرار - خلف البنك الرئيسى للتنمية والأئتمان الزراعي

    Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools is in El Zagazig, Sharkia. Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools is recognized by the keywords: International, and International, and Language, and fees more than 20000 EGP.

    International feature which is in Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools, is also found in 158 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    International feature which is in Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools, is also found in 171 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Language feature which is in Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools, is also found in 564 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    fees more than 20000 EGP feature which is in Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools, is also found in 208 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 11 school in El Zagazig , the same area of Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 2398 school in Sharkia , the same city of Al Fouad İnternational Language Schools, you can see them by clicking here.

    Al Fouad International Language Schools

    Founded: 2005


    KG 1: EGP 20,000
    KG 2: EGP 20,000
    Primary 1: EGP 22,500
    Primary 2: EGP 22,500
    Primary 3: EGP 22,500
    Primary 4: EGP 22,500
    Primary 5: EGP 22,500
    Primary 6: EGP 22,500
    Transportation: EGP 5,000
    Expenses of the academic year 2017/2018
    Application start: مارس|| Application end: مارس


    Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation


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