Anshas El Raml Primary Azhari İnstitute

055-2821157 - 055-2820157 - 012-7620829

أنشاص الرمل - بلبيس

    Anshas El Raml Primary Azhari İnstitute is in Belbeis, Sharkia. Anshas El Raml Primary Azhari İnstitute is recognized by the keywords: Azharian, and Primary School.

    Azharian feature which is in Anshas El Raml Primary Azhari İnstitute, is also found in 46 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Primary School feature which is in Anshas El Raml Primary Azhari İnstitute, is also found in 14444 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 235 school in Belbeis , the same area of Anshas El Raml Primary Azhari İnstitute, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 2398 school in Sharkia , the same city of Anshas El Raml Primary Azhari İnstitute, you can see them by clicking here.