Higher İnstitute For Advanced Studies - Katameya

02-27272014 - 02-27272015 - 19793

مجمع المدارس ، بجوار نادى الصيد ونادى المعادي الرياضي ، القطامية ، القاهرة.

    Higher İnstitute For Advanced Studies - Katameya is in El Katameya, Cairo. Higher İnstitute For Advanced Studies - Katameya is recognized by the keywords: Advanced Studies.

    Advanced Studies feature which is in Higher İnstitute For Advanced Studies - Katameya, is also found in 6 Institutes you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 2 institute in El Katameya , the same area of Higher İnstitute For Advanced Studies - Katameya, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 112 institute in Cairo , the same city of Higher İnstitute For Advanced Studies - Katameya, you can see them by clicking here.