Higher İnstitute Of Social Service - Nasr City

02-22872758 - 02-22872759 - 02-26715102 - 02-26715189

4 شارع عبد اللطيف حمزة المتفرع من شارع أحمد فخرى المنطقة السادسة ، الحى الثامن ، مدينة نصر ، القاهرة.

    Higher İnstitute Of Social Service - Nasr City is in Nasr City, Cairo. .

    There are also 19 institute in Nasr City , the same area of Higher İnstitute Of Social Service - Nasr City, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 112 institute in Cairo , the same city of Higher İnstitute Of Social Service - Nasr City, you can see them by clicking here.