Higher İnstitute For Agricultural Cooperation - Shubra Al Khaimah

02-44441952 - 02-44442878 - 02-44444850 - 02-44444852 - 02-44444853

198 شارع حدائق شبرا ، شبرا الخيمة ، القليوبية.

    Higher İnstitute For Agricultural Cooperation - Shubra Al Khaimah is in Shubra El Khema, Qalubia. Higher İnstitute For Agricultural Cooperation - Shubra Al Khaimah is recognized by the keywords: Agricultural Co-operation.

    Agricultural Co-operation feature which is in Higher İnstitute For Agricultural Cooperation - Shubra Al Khaimah, is also found in 2 Institutes you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 2 institute in Shubra El Khema , the same area of Higher İnstitute For Agricultural Cooperation - Shubra Al Khaimah, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 8 institute in Qalubia , the same city of Higher İnstitute For Agricultural Cooperation - Shubra Al Khaimah, you can see them by clicking here.