Higher Technological İnstitute - October

02-38350118 - 02-38354817 - 02-38354840 - 02-38360288 - 02-38360289 - 19288

الحى الثالث , المجاورة السابعة , 6 أكتوبر , الجيزة

    Higher Technological İnstitute - October is in October, Giza. Higher Technological İnstitute - October is recognized by the keywords: Higher.

    Higher feature which is in Higher Technological İnstitute - October, is also found in 4 Institutes you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 9 institute in October , the same area of Higher Technological İnstitute - October, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 58 institute in Giza , the same city of Higher Technological İnstitute - October, you can see them by clicking here.