El Shorouq Academy - Abbaseya

02-24011879 - 02-24011958 - 19644

أبراج الملتقى - العباسية - القاهرة - مصر

    El Shorouq Academy - Abbaseya is in Abbasseya, Cairo. El Shorouq Academy - Abbaseya is recognized by the keywords: Computer Science, and Engineering.

    Computer Science feature which is in El Shorouq Academy - Abbaseya, is also found in 15 Institutes you can see them by clicking here

    Engineering feature which is in El Shorouq Academy - Abbaseya, is also found in 8 Institutes you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 4 institute in Abbasseya , the same area of El Shorouq Academy - Abbaseya, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 112 institute in Cairo , the same city of El Shorouq Academy - Abbaseya, you can see them by clicking here.