Cairo American College

0227555555 - 0227555505 - 0227555507 - 0227555508

رقم 1 ميدان دجلة

    Cairo American College is in Maadi, Cairo. Cairo American College is recognized by the keywords: American, and International, and International, and Language, and International Baccalaureate (PYP), and fees more than 20000 EGP.

    American feature which is in Cairo American College, is also found in 51 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    International feature which is in Cairo American College, is also found in 158 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    International feature which is in Cairo American College, is also found in 171 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Language feature which is in Cairo American College, is also found in 564 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    International Baccalaureate (PYP) feature which is in Cairo American College, is also found in 7 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    fees more than 20000 EGP feature which is in Cairo American College, is also found in 208 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 120 school in Maadi , the same area of Cairo American College, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 2364 school in Cairo , the same city of Cairo American College, you can see them by clicking here.

    Cairo American College


    KG 1: EGP 442,700
    KG 2: EGP 442,700
    Primary 1: EGP 442,700
    Primary 2: EGP 442,700
    Primary 3: EGP 442,700
    Primary 4: EGP 442,700
    Primary 5: EGP 442,700
    Primary 6: EGP 442,700
    Preparatory 1: EGP 456,000
    Preparatory 2: EGP 456,000
    Preparatory 3: EGP 456,000
    Secondary 1: EGP 456,000
    Secondary 2: EGP 456,000
    Secondary 3: EGP 456,000
    Transportation: EGP 45,600
    The amount of tuition fees is determined in US dollars:
    1 - Kindergarten stage: 23,600 US dollars
    Primary stage: US $ 23,600
    3 - preparatory stage: 24,100 US dollars
    4. Secondary stage: US $ 24,300

    - Transportation charges vary depending on the area of residence:
    1- Inside Maadi: 1,100 US dollars
    2- Outside Maadi: 2,200 USD

    - Payments shall be made in dollars or in Egyptian Pounds in accordance with the current dollar rate
    Application start: فبراير|| Application end: حتى اكتمال العدد



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