Faculty Of Arts - Cairo University

02-35676208 - 02-35728211 - 0235716782 - 0235729659

داخل الحرم الجامعي لجامعة القاهرة ، شارع جامعة القاهرة ، ميدان النهضة ، الجيزة.

    Faculty Of Arts - Cairo University is in Giza, Giza. .

    There are also 35 university in Giza , the same area of Faculty Of Arts - Cairo University, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 153 university in Giza , the same city of Faculty Of Arts - Cairo University, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty of Arts - Cairo University

    Faculty of Arts was Founded in 1925 by the Decree Law provides for the establishment of the Egyptian University (Cairo University) and it was consisted of four faculties (Arts, science, medicine, and law), the faculty in 1925 composed of six sections, study started altogether in the Palace of Zaafaran in El-abbassia in October 1926, and then was moved in October 1929 to the it's building in the university that were constructed in the Orman gardens, Giza.

    Year Founded



    The Arabic language
    Oriental Languages
    The French language
    The German language
    Greek and Latin
    Japanese language
    Spanish language
    Chinese language
    Italian language
    Libraries, documentation and information
    The meeting

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    the college accepts students of high school with literary and scientific requirement of obtaining a minimum of a community that is defined by the Coordination Office each year.

    Admission Certificates

    Public secondary (literary)
    Public secondary (Scientific section - Math)
    Public secondary (Scientific section - science)
    Azhar Secondary
    The American diploma
    British diploma
    Equivalent certificates

    Degrees Awarded

    Masters degree

    Diploma Programs

    The College offers diploma degree in the following programs :

    1 - diploma in English translation
    2 - diploma in French translation
    3 - diploma in German translation
    4 - diploma of the literature.
    5 - diploma in comparative literature

    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    The College offers a master's degree in the following programs :

    1 - master the Arabic language and literature
    2 - Master of Oriental Languages and literature
    3 - Master of English language and literature
    4 - Master of Japanese language and

    PHD Programs

    The College awards doctoral degrees in the following programs :

    1 - PhD. Arabic language and literature
    2 - PhD. Oriental Languages and literature
    3 - PhD. English language and literature
    4 - PhD. Japanese language and literature
    5 - PhD.

    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    The first academic year

    Credit Hours

    Isn't available




    See more

    Educational institutions near Faculty of Arts - Cairo University

    Universities in Giza (35)

    Universities in Giza (153)

    Schools in Giza

    Nurseries in Giza

    Institutes in Giza

    Activities in Giza

    Centers in Giza

    Training Centers in Giza

    Educational Tools in Giza

    Stationery shop in Giza

    Equipment in Giza