University Of Beni Suef

082-2324839 - 0822324394

ش صلاح سالم ، بني سويف.

    University Of Beni Suef is in Bani Suef, Bani Souwaif. .

    There are also 50 university in Bani Suef , the same area of University Of Beni Suef, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 51 university in Bani Souwaif , the same city of University Of Beni Suef, you can see them by clicking here.

    University of Beni Suef

    The University of Beni Suef was first established as a branch of Cairo University in 1981 and then resigned under Presidential Decree No. 84 of 2005 establishing the University of Beni Suef.

    Year Founded



    See more

    Educational institutions near University of Beni Suef

    Universities in Bani Suef (50)

    Universities in Bani Souwaif (51)

    Schools in Bani Souwaif

    Nurseries in Bani Souwaif

    Institutes in Bani Souwaif

    Activities in Bani Souwaif

    Centers in Bani Souwaif

    Training Centers in Bani Souwaif

    Educational Tools in Bani Souwaif

    Stationery shop in Bani Souwaif

    Equipment in Bani Souwaif