İnstitute For Getic Gineering And Biotechnology - Moufia University

048-2601261 - 048-2601262 - 048-2601263 - 048-2601264 - 048-2601265

السادات - المنوفيه - مصر

    İnstitute For Getic Gineering And Biotechnology - Moufia University is in El Sadat, Monofiya. .

    There are also 8 university in El Sadat , the same area of İnstitute For Getic Gineering And Biotechnology - Moufia University, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 38 university in Monofiya , the same city of İnstitute For Getic Gineering And Biotechnology - Moufia University, you can see them by clicking here.