College Of Gineering - Mansoura University

050-2244403 - 050-2244426 - 050-2244105 - 050-2245758

جامعة المنصورة ، شارع الجمهورية ، المنصورة ، الدقهلية.

    College Of Gineering - Mansoura University is in Al Mansora, Dakahliya. .

    There are also 42 university in Al Mansora , the same area of College Of Gineering - Mansoura University, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 53 university in Dakahliya , the same city of College Of Gineering - Mansoura University, you can see them by clicking here.

    College of gineering - Mansoura University

    The Faculty of Engineering was established in 1974 by Presidential Decree No. 542 of 1974, which stipulated the transformation of the Industrial Higher Institute in Mansoura into a Faculty of Engineering.

    Year Founded



    Mathematics, physics, engineering
    Electrical Engineering
    Computer engineering and control systems
    Electronics engineering & communications
    Textile engineering
    Production engineering and mechanical design
    Mechanical power engineering

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    1 - The applicant should have high school Division of Scientific (Math).
    2. get the minimum degree for admission to the College determined by the Coordination Office each year.

    Admission Certificates

    Public secondary (Math)
    industry secondary .
    American diploma
    British Diploma
    Equivalent certificates

    Degrees Awarded


    Diploma Programs

    The College offers diploma degree in the specialization of the following :
    1 - Civil Engineering : specialization (structural engineering - survey engineering - highway engineering and airports - engineering and construction of protective engineering so

    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    The College offers Master's degrees in the specialties the following :
    1 - structural engineering .
    2 - engineering public works.
    3 - irrigation engineering and hydraulic.
    4 - mechanical power engineering.
    5 - Industrial Engineering.
    6 - rese

    PHD Programs

    The College awards doctoral degrees in the specialties the following :
    1 - engineering mathematics.
    2 - Engineering Physics.
    3 - Electrical Engineering.
    4 - Engineering Electronics and Comm.
    5 - computer engineering and systems.
    6 - Mechanical

    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    The second school year.

    Credit Hours





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