Faculty Of Arabic Language İn Gerga - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

ش أبو بكر الصديق المتفرع من الحوزة ، جرجا ، سوهاج .

    Faculty Of Arabic Language İn Gerga - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties is in Girga, Sohag. .

    There are also 1 university in Girga , the same area of Faculty Of Arabic Language İn Gerga - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 27 university in Sohag , the same city of Faculty Of Arabic Language İn Gerga - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty of Arabic language in Gerga - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

    The Faculty of Arabic Language was established in Jerja, Al-Azhar University under Ministerial Resolution No. 349 of February 16, 1985, based on the decision of the President of the Republic No. 370 of 1985 to appoint the Minister of Al-Azhar Affairs to approve the establishment of scientific departments in the College. The college was inaugurated in the academic year 1993/94 at its current headquarters.
    Was the opening of the College in the academic year 1993/ 1994 by its current .

    Year Founded



    General division ( Arabic language )

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    1. accept the College-high school certificate, Al-Azhar and the division of its scientific and literary .
    2. the calculated degree of success in the material level etc if any under the degree of a student to the certificate of Al-Azhar .
    3. accept the

    Admission Certificates

    Secondary-Azhar institutions

    Degrees Awarded


    Diploma Programs


    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs


    PHD Programs


    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    The second school year.

    Credit Hours

    Isn't available




    See more

    Educational institutions near Faculty of Arabic language in Gerga - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

    Universities in Girga (1)

    Universities in Sohag (27)

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