Faculty Of İslamic And Arabic Studies İn Alex. - Al-Azhar University - Girls Faculties

كلية الدراسات الإسلامية و العربية ، قسم المنتزة ، العمراوي ، الإسكندرية

    Faculty Of İslamic And Arabic Studies İn Alex. - Al-Azhar University - Girls Faculties is in El Montazah, Alexandria. .

    There are also 2 university in El Montazah , the same area of Faculty Of İslamic And Arabic Studies İn Alex. - Al-Azhar University - Girls Faculties, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 69 university in Alexandria , the same city of Faculty Of İslamic And Arabic Studies İn Alex. - Al-Azhar University - Girls Faculties, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Alex. - Al-Azhar University - Girls Faculties

    The College was established by Presidential Decree No. 250 of 1980.

    Year Founded



    Religion basics
    Islamic law
    Sharia and law

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    1- The College accepts the Azhar secondary certificate in its scientific and literary subjects.
    2. The College accepts regularity and affiliation according to the admission requirements determined by the College for each department.
    3 - The degree of

    Admission Certificates

    Secondary-Azhar institutions

    Degrees Awarded


    Diploma Programs


    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    The College offers a master's degree in the following majors:
    1- Linguistics.
    2- Comparative Jurisprudence.
    3 - literature and criticism.
    4 - Hadith and science.
    5- Creed and philosophy.

    PHD Programs

    The Faculty offers a PhD in the following majors:
    1- Linguistics.
    2- Comparative Jurisprudence.
    3 - literature and criticism.
    4 - Hadith and science.
    5- Creed and philosophy.
    6 - rhetoric and criticism.

    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    The first academic year

    Credit Hours

    Isn't available




    See more

    Educational institutions near Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Alex. - Al-Azhar University - Girls Faculties

    Universities in EL Montazah (2)

    Universities in Alexandria (69)

    Schools in Alexandria

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    Institutes in Alexandria

    Activities in Alexandria

    Centers in Alexandria

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    Educational Tools in Alexandria

    Stationery shop in Alexandria

    Equipment in Alexandria