Faculty Of Education İn Tafahna Al Ashraf - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

تفاهنة الأشراف، ميت غمر، الدقهلية

    Faculty Of Education İn Tafahna Al Ashraf - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties is in Mit Ghamr, Dakahliya. .

    There are also 5 university in Mit Ghamr , the same area of Faculty Of Education İn Tafahna Al Ashraf - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 53 university in Dakahliya , the same city of Faculty Of Education İn Tafahna Al Ashraf - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty of Education in Tafahna Al Ashraf - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

    The College of Education was established by supervising supervisors of Al-Azhar University under the Ministerial Resolution 1000 for the year 1995.

    Year Founded



    Curriculum and Instruction
    Psychological health
    Islamic education
    education basics
    Social Work and Community Development
    Educational psychology
    Management, planning and comparative studies
    Libraries, information and education technology

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    1- The College accepts the secondary certificate of the Azhar Scientific and Literary Division according to the advanced section; Where the acceptance of the departments and specialties of the faculty on the literary people only, except the Division (Libr

    Admission Certificates

    Secondary-Azhar institutions

    Degrees Awarded


    Diploma Programs


    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs


    PHD Programs


    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    The first academic year

    Credit Hours

    Isn't available




    See more

    Educational institutions near Faculty of Education in Tafahna Al Ashraf - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

    Universities in Mit Ghamr (5)

    Universities in Dakahliya (53)

    Schools in Dakahliya

    Nurseries in Dakahliya

    Institutes in Dakahliya

    Activities in Dakahliya

    Centers in Dakahliya

    Training Centers in Dakahliya

    Educational Tools in Dakahliya

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    Equipment in Dakahliya