Faculty Of Business Economics And Entrepreneurship - University Of Canada İn Egypt


    Faculty Of Business Economics And Entrepreneurship - University Of Canada İn Egypt is in Waily, Cairo. .

    There are also 5 university in Waily , the same area of Faculty Of Business Economics And Entrepreneurship - University Of Canada İn Egypt, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 258 university in Cairo , the same city of Faculty Of Business Economics And Entrepreneurship - University Of Canada İn Egypt, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship - University of Canada in Egypt

    Year Founded



    1 - Accounting
    2 - Entrepreneurship
    3 - Marketing
    4- Finance
    5 - International Management
    6- Management of Institutions

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    1 - certificate of General Secondary
    - Copy of certificate of phase 10 and 11 and the origin of the certificate of stage 12 (first row, second and third secondary) minimum degree 75 %.
    2- General certificate of Education (GCE / IGCSE).
    - Minimum o

    Admission Certificates

    Certificate of general secondary , the division of its scientific and literary
    General certificate of Education (GCE / IGCSE)
    The International Baccalaureate (IB)
    High school diploma American
    High school diploma Canadian
    Equivalent Certificate

    Degrees Awarded

    Bachelor's degree (from the University of Prince Edward Island)
    MBA (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

    Diploma Programs


    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    MBA (Memorial University of Newfoundland), the duration of it is two years.

    PHD Programs


    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year


    Credit Hours



    مصروفات العام الدراسي 2019/2018 م : 13,050 دولار كندي + 50 دولار كندي رسوم تقديم


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