College Of Medicine - Benha University

شارع الساحة المتفرع من شارع فريد ندا بجوار مستشفى بنها الجامعي ، القليوبية.

    College Of Medicine - Benha University is in Banha, Qalubia. .

    There are also 19 university in Banha , the same area of College Of Medicine - Benha University, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 40 university in Qalubia , the same city of College Of Medicine - Benha University, you can see them by clicking here.

    College of Medicine - Benha University

    Faculty of medicine was established in 1976 by Presidential Decree number 1143 of 1976, the Faculty of Medicine, benha is the ninth , and continued in the beginning of the University of zagazig and continued so until the adoption of Resolution No. 84 of 2005 on the establishment of the University of Banha University is an independent and independence from the University of zagazig.

    Year Founded



    Note the tissues and cells
    Physiology medical - physiology
    Pathology - pathology
    Medical Microbiology and Immunology
    Clinical Pharmacology
    Of medical Parasitology
    Ear, nose and throat
    Public health an

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    1 - The student who is applying to the College must have general secondary division of Science (science).
    2. get the minimum degree for admission to the College determined by the Coordination Office each year.

    Admission Certificates

    Public secondary (Scientific section - science)
    The American diploma
    British diploma
    Equivalent certificates

    Degrees Awarded

    Bachelor's degree
    Master's degree

    Diploma Programs

    The following sections give the diploma degree :

    1 - anatomy human embryology
    2. The Science of tissues and cells
    3 - medical physiology
    4 - Biochemistry
    5 - pathology
    6 - medical Microbiology and Immunology
    7 - Clinical Pharmacolo

    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    The following sections give the master's degree :

    1 - anatomy human embryology
    2. The Science of tissues and cells
    3 - medical physiology
    4 - Biochemistry
    5 - pathology
    6 - medical Microbiology and Immunology
    7 - Clinical Pharmacol

    PHD Programs

    The following sections give the doctoral degree :

    1 - anatomy human embryology
    2. The Science of tissues and cells
    3 - medical physiology
    4 - Biochemistry
    5 - pathology
    6 - medical Microbiology and Immunology
    7 - Clinical Pharmacol

    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    Isn't available

    Credit Hours





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    Universities in Qalubia (40)

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