University Of Sadat City

شارع عبد المنعم رياض ، مدينة السادات ، المنوفية.

    University Of Sadat City is in El Sadat, Monofiya. .

    There are also 8 university in El Sadat , the same area of University Of Sadat City, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 38 university in Monofiya , the same city of University Of Sadat City, you can see them by clicking here.

    University of Sadat city

    The University of Sadat City is a governmental Egyptian university , based in Sadat city northwest of Cairo, the nucleus of its foundation traced back to a set of faculties that were affiliated to the University of Menoufia in the period from 1993 to 2007, then it's adopted as a branch of Menoufia university with it'smanagement from 2007 to 2013, and in 2013 the University of Sadat City becamean independent under the Republican decree issued on 25 March 2013.

    Year Founded



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    Educational institutions near University of Sadat city

    Universities in El Sadat (8)

    Universities in Monofiya (38)

    Schools in Monofiya

    Nurseries in Monofiya

    Institutes in Monofiya

    Activities in Monofiya

    Centers in Monofiya

    Training Centers in Monofiya

    Educational Tools in Monofiya

    Stationery shop in Monofiya

    Equipment in Monofiya