Port Said İntegrated Language School

0663743722 - 3729643

ش محمد على أمام منطقة الجولف

    Port Said İntegrated Language School is in Southern Port Said, Port Said. Port Said İntegrated Language School is recognized by the keywords: fees from 12000 to 14000 EGP.

    fees from 12000 to 14000 EGP feature which is in Port Said İntegrated Language School, is also found in 68 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 71 school in Southern Port Said , the same area of Port Said İntegrated Language School, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 224 school in Port Said , the same city of Port Said İntegrated Language School, you can see them by clicking here.

    Port Said Integrated Language School


    KG 1: EGP 10,866
    KG 2: EGP 10,736
    Primary 1: EGP 11,313
    Primary 2: EGP 11,313
    Primary 3: EGP 11,313
    Primary 4: EGP 12,263
    Primary 5: EGP 12,263
    Primary 6: EGP 11,779
    Preparatory 1: EGP 12,361
    Preparatory 2: EGP 12,361
    Preparatory 3: EGP 12,361
    Transportation: EGP 1,600
    - Tuition fees for 2017/2018
    - Transportation fees of American system are different from the language system
    1- Transportation fees of the Language system: 1.600 EGP
    2- Transportation fees of the American system: 2.100 EGP
    Application start: إبريل || Application end: إبريل



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