01020001560 - 01201000298 - 01119998070035429566
14 ش محمود ابو العلا- بجوار المجلس الثقافى الروسى- كفر عبده
Elm İnternational School is in Sedi Gaber, Alexandria. Elm İnternational School is recognized by the keywords: fees more than 20000 EGP.
fees more than 20000 EGP feature which is in Elm İnternational School, is also found in 208 Schools you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 5 school in Sedi Gaber , the same area of Elm İnternational School, you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 1241 school in Alexandria , the same city of Elm İnternational School, you can see them by clicking here.
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Training Centers in Alexandria