01159016016 - 01159014014 - 01159013013 - 01159012012 - 010082155550238284222
البوابة الأولى (خوفو)- خدمات 4/2- منطقة ز
Alahram Modern School is in Hadaek Al Ahram, Giza. Alahram Modern School is recognized by the keywords: fees more than 20000 EGP.
fees more than 20000 EGP feature which is in Alahram Modern School , is also found in 208 Schools you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 13 school in Hadaek Al Ahram , the same area of Alahram Modern School , you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 1651 school in Giza , the same city of Alahram Modern School , you can see them by clicking here.