Ecole Saint-Gabriel Alexandrie

035922787 - 5919283 - 5902684 - 5930161

136 شارع زكريا غنيم- بجوار مطعم دومينوز بيتزا

    Ecole Saint-Gabriel Alexandrie is in Sporting, Alexandria. Ecole Saint-Gabriel Alexandrie is recognized by the keywords: fees from 8000 to 10000 EGP.

    fees from 8000 to 10000 EGP feature which is in Ecole Saint-Gabriel Alexandrie, is also found in 81 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 4 school in Sporting , the same area of Ecole Saint-Gabriel Alexandrie, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 1241 school in Alexandria , the same city of Ecole Saint-Gabriel Alexandrie, you can see them by clicking here.

    Ecole Saint-Gabriel Alexandrie


    KG 1: EGP 7,500
    KG 2: EGP 7,500
    Expenses of the academic year 2017/2018
    - The application deadline is 6 months and lasts for one week or until the completion of the number
    - Playschol stage of girls and boys
    - Apply for Playschool from 4 years and a half
    - From kindergarten to junior high school only
    - The age of submission for custody is 5 years and a half
    - Secondary school at Saint Mark School
    French Language School and English Language
    - There is a transportation fee determined by region
    Application start: يونيو|| Application end: حتى اكتمال العدد



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