039556000 - 039556222 - 01005863043 - 01005863051
الطريق الدائري، ابيس، خلف مطار النزهه، الاسكندرية
Swiss İnternational School - Alexandria is in Abees, Alexandria. Swiss İnternational School - Alexandria is recognized by the keywords: International Curriculums.
International Curriculums feature which is in Swiss İnternational School - Alexandria, is also found in 14 Schools you can see them by clicking here
There are also 14 school in Abees , the same area of Swiss İnternational School - Alexandria, you can see them by clicking here.
There are also 1241 school in Alexandria , the same city of Swiss İnternational School - Alexandria, you can see them by clicking here.
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Training Centers in Alexandria