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مدخل مدينة دمياط الجديده -الطريق الدولي الساحلي

    Way2tech is in New Damietta, Damietta. Way2tech is recognized by the keywords: Human Resources, and Computer, and Educational Scholarships.

    Human Resources feature which is in Way2tech, is also found in 10 Training Centers you can see them by clicking here

    Computer feature which is in Way2tech, is also found in 23 Training Centers you can see them by clicking here

    Educational Scholarships feature which is in Way2tech, is also found in 6 Training Centers you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 3 training center in New Damietta , the same area of Way2tech, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 8 training center in Damietta , the same city of Way2tech, you can see them by clicking here.