İnformation Technology Specialists

5462702 - 01206906664 - 01002125526

[email protected]

13 شارع امير البحار محمود حمزة - عمارات قرطبة مدخل ب - كفر عبده - رشدي - الاسكندرية.

    İnformation Technology Specialists is in Kafr Abdo, Alexandria. İnformation Technology Specialists is recognized by the keywords: Training Rooms.

    Training Rooms feature which is in İnformation Technology Specialists, is also found in 11 Training Centers you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 1 training center in Kafr Abdo , the same area of İnformation Technology Specialists, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 82 training center in Alexandria , the same city of İnformation Technology Specialists, you can see them by clicking here.