Sponge Bob Nursery

01221788662 - 01016503199

28 شارع منشية الطيران - خلف نادى هليوبوليس

    Sponge Bob Nursery is in Heliopolis, Cairo. Sponge Bob Nursery is recognized by the keywords: Montessori, and Islamic Language, and is language, and Bus, and Medical Care, and Hospitality, and Private.

    Montessori feature which is in Sponge Bob Nursery, is also found in 281 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here

    Islamic Language feature which is in Sponge Bob Nursery, is also found in 75 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here

    is language feature which is in Sponge Bob Nursery, is also found in 116 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Bus feature which is in Sponge Bob Nursery, is also found in 94 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Medical Care feature which is in Sponge Bob Nursery, is also found in 115 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Hospitality feature which is in Sponge Bob Nursery, is also found in 107 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Private feature which is in Sponge Bob Nursery, is also found in 3010 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 205 nursery in Heliopolis , the same area of Sponge Bob Nursery, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 2314 nursery in Cairo , the same city of Sponge Bob Nursery, you can see them by clicking here.

    Sponge Bob Nursery

    حضانة سبونج بوب مصرالجديده<o*p>


    حضانة لغات مميزة فى منطقة راقية بمصر الجديدة بمكان امن و مجهز لرعاية الاطفال صحيا و اجتماعيا و نفسيا<o*p>

    قاعات الدراسه مكيفه ومهيئه لاستقبال الاطفال بمعامل امان مرتفع<o*p>

    البرامج <o*p>

    تعليم لغات  انجليزى وفرنسي  <o*p>

    لغه عربيه وتعليم القراءه والكتابه وقرآن <o*p>

    ساعه سينما يوميا وحفلات التلوين ومسرح العرائس والاعمال الفنيه واليدويه<o*p>


    نستخدم منهج المنتسوري في تطوير قدرات الاطفال الابداعيه ومهاراتهم الاجتماعيه<o*p>

     وتنمية شخصية الطفل وانماء اللغه لديه وصقل الحواس وتعديل السلوك <o*p>

    تستخدم الحضانه وسائل تعليميه مميزه تربط التعليم بالمتعه والترفيه <o*p>

    مدرسات متخصصات تربويا ومشرفات جامعيات <o*p>

     اماكن مخصصه للالعاب  العاب فرديه وجماعيه <o*p>

    2جاردن مفتوح يوجد بالحضانة <o*p>


    ثلاث وجبات صحيه ومتنوعه الافطار السناك  الغداء  <o*p>

    اشراف طبي اسبوعي<o*p>

    تخضع الحضانه للاشراف من قبل الشئون الاجتماعية  <o*p>




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