Faculty Of Agriculture _ Ain Shams University

0244441172, 0244441296, 0244441711

مشتهر ، طوخ ، القليوبية.

    Faculty Of Agriculture _ Ain Shams University is in Shubra El Khema, Qalubia. .

    There are also 2 university in Shubra El Khema , the same area of Faculty Of Agriculture _ Ain Shams University, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 40 university in Qalubia , the same city of Faculty Of Agriculture _ Ain Shams University, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty Of Agriculture _ Ain Shams University

    The Faculty of Agriculture is founded in 1975 by the decree to transform the "higher Institute of Agriculture" Moshtohor to the "Faculty of Agricultural Sciences ", the college was in the beginning under the University of Helwan, then Prime Minister's decision No. 143 of 1976 for the annexation of the college to the University of Zagazig, and continued College affiliated to the University of zagazig until the issuance of the Republican Decree No. 84 of 2005 on the establishment of the University of Banha University as an independent university separate from the University of Zagazig.

    Year Founded



    Animal production
    Plant protection
    Agricultural Economics
    The food industry
    Plant pathology
    Agricultural engineering
    Plant agriculture

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    The college accepts the high school students the division of scientific (Math and Science) or equivalent, and also students of agricultural high school, and admission to agricultural engineering department through the Office of the coordination initiative

    Admission Certificates

    Public secondary (Scientific section - Math)
    Public secondary (Scientific section - science)
    The American diploma
    British diploma
    Equivalent certificates

    Degrees Awarded


    Diploma Programs

    The College offers diploma degree in Agricultural Sciences in the following programs :

    First, the Department of land

    1 - Analysis and evaluation of the water of irrigation
    2 - The technology of land reclamation of the desert

    Second : the

    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    The College offers a master's degree in Agricultural Sciences in the following specialists:

    1 - the territory of the
    2 - agricultural extension
    3.Poultry Production
    4 - Vegetables
    5 - plants sinthon
    6 - food industry
    7. Crop production

    PHD Programs

    The College awards the degree of PhD in Agricultural Sciences in the following disciplines :
    1 - the territory of the
    2 - agricultural extension
    3.Poultry Production
    4 - Vegetables
    5 - plants sinthon
    6 - food industry
    7. Crop production

    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    The second school year.

    Credit Hours





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