Faculty Of Electronic Engineering _ Menofia University


كلية الهندسة الإلكترونية بمنوف ، ش المستشفى ، منوف ، المنوفية.

    Faculty Of Electronic Engineering _ Menofia University is in Menoof, Monofiya. .

    There are also 1 university in Menoof , the same area of Faculty Of Electronic Engineering _ Menofia University, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 38 university in Monofiya , the same city of Faculty Of Electronic Engineering _ Menofia University, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty Of Electronic Engineering _ Menofia University

    Faculty of Electronic Engineering, was founded in 1975 by the decision of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers No. 924 of 1975, which provided for the conversion of the subordination of "the higher Institute of electronics" from the Ministry of higher education to tanta University and change the name to "Faculty of electronic engineering", and continued a dependency of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Tanta until Menoufia University has been established in 1976, became the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, one of the colleges of the University of Menoufia.

    Year Founded



    Engineering Electronics and communication electrical
    Engineering industrial electronics and control
    Engineering and Computer Science
    Physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    1 - The student who advanced at college must has high school Division of scientific Math).
    2. get the minimum degree for admission to the College determined by the Coordination Office each year.

    Admission Certificates

    Public secondary (Scientific section - Math)
    Public secondary (Scientific section - science)
    The American diploma
    British diploma
    Equivalent certificates

    Degrees Awarded


    Diploma Programs

    The college awards degree of postgraduate diploma in the following specialists:

    First : the Department of communication Engineering Electrical

    1 - telecommunications engineering
    2 - planning and communications.
    3 - the geometry of the ante

    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    The College offers a master's degree in the following disciplines :

    First : the Department of communication Engineering Electrical

    1 - engineering micro-electronics
    2 - engineering planning and communications.
    3 - the geometry of the anten

    PHD Programs

    The College awards doctoral degrees in the following programs :

    1 - Engineering Electronics and communication electrical.
    2 - Computer Science and electrical engineering.
    3. engineering industrial electronics and control.
    4. the basic science

    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    fourth Year of study

    Credit Hours





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