Faculty Of Science House _ Minia University


جامعة المنيا ، الطريق العمومي ، أرض شلبي ، المنيا.

    Faculty Of Science House _ Minia University is in Ard Sultan, Menia. .

    There are also 2 university in Ard Sultan , the same area of Faculty Of Science House _ Minia University, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 30 university in Menia , the same city of Faculty Of Science House _ Minia University, you can see them by clicking here.

    Faculty Of Science House _ Minia University

    It was established in the beginning by the name of the College of Arab Studies in resolution No. (239) for the year 1983, then it became in its current name Dar Al Uloum College by Republican Decree No. (470) dated 29/11/1999

    Year Founded



    Islamic history
    Literary studies
    Sharia law
    Islamic philosophy
    Grammar and prosody,
    Linguistics, Semitic and Oriental Studies
    Rhetoric and literary criticism and comparative literature

    Studying Sections


    Admission Requirements

    The college accepts high school students with their literary and scientific popularity, subject to obtaining the minimum amount determined by the coordination office each year.

    Admission Certificates

    Public secondary (literary)
    Public secondary (Math)
    Public secondary (science )
    The American diploma
    British Diploma
    Equivalent certificates

    Degrees Awarded

    Bachelor's degree
    Master's degree

    Diploma Programs

    The College will grant the diploma in the following majors:
    1- Special Diploma in Literary and Monetary Studies.
    2- Special Diploma in Islamic Studies.
    3- Special Diploma in Language Studies.
    4- General Diploma in Islamic Studies.
    5- General Dip

    Post-Graduate Programs


    Master Programs

    The College offers a Master's degree in the following majors:
    1- Master of Islamic Sciences in Islamic History.
    2- Master of Islamic Sciences in Islamic Law.
    3- Master of Islamic Sciences in Islamic Philosophy.
    4- Master of Arabic language in rhet

    PHD Programs

    The Faculty offers a PhD in the following majors:
    1- Doctor of Islamic Sciences in Islamic History.
    2- Doctor of Islamic Sciences in Islamic Law.
    3- Doctor of Islamic Sciences in Islamic Philosophy.
    4 - PhD Arabic language in rhetoric, criticism a

    Years Of Study


    Specialization Year

    Isn't available

    Credit Hours

    Isn't available




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