Alexandria Media İnstitute

034259681, 034259682, 034259683

معهد الاسكندرية العالي للإعلام ، سموحة ، بجوار المدينة الجامعية ، اخر ترام النزهة ، الاسكندرية

    Alexandria Media İnstitute is in Somoha, Alexandria. Alexandria Media İnstitute is recognized by the keywords: Media.

    Media feature which is in Alexandria Media İnstitute, is also found in 4 Institutes you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 9 institute in Somoha , the same area of Alexandria Media İnstitute, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 52 institute in Alexandria , the same city of Alexandria Media İnstitute, you can see them by clicking here.