Misr Higher İnstitute For Commerce And Computers

0502245713, 0502245747

معهد مصر العالي للتجارة و الحاسبات ، المبني رقم 3 ، 4 بالعقار الكائن بالطريق الدائري ، سندوب ، قسم أول المنصورة ، الدقهلية

    Misr Higher İnstitute For Commerce And Computers is in Al Mansora, Dakahliya. Misr Higher İnstitute For Commerce And Computers is recognized by the keywords: Private.

    Private feature which is in Misr Higher İnstitute For Commerce And Computers, is also found in 13 Institutes you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 14 institute in Al Mansora , the same area of Misr Higher İnstitute For Commerce And Computers, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 14 institute in Dakahliya , the same city of Misr Higher İnstitute For Commerce And Computers, you can see them by clicking here.