Jana Al İslam Academy

01099334670 - 01118058694

ش صلاح الدين - أمام صيدلية هوم - الحى السابع - الهضبة الوسطى

    Jana Al İslam Academy is in Maadi, Cairo. Jana Al İslam Academy is recognized by the keywords: Private Language, and Islamic Language.

    Private Language feature which is in Jana Al İslam Academy, is also found in 86 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    Islamic Language feature which is in Jana Al İslam Academy, is also found in 6 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    There are also 120 school in Maadi , the same area of Jana Al İslam Academy, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 2364 school in Cairo , the same city of Jana Al İslam Academy, you can see them by clicking here.