Perfect Kids Academy

5926202 - 01022464492 - 01127080817

148 شارع طيبه متفرع من شارع دلتا

    Perfect Kids Academy is in Sporting, Alexandria. Perfect Kids Academy is recognized by the keywords: english, and arabic, and German, and French, and is language, and Bus, and Medical Care, and Hospitality, and Has Quran, and Private.

    english feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 146 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    arabic feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 121 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    German feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 26 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    French feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 92 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    is language feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 116 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Bus feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 94 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Medical Care feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 115 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Hospitality feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 107 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Has Quran feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 105 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    Private feature which is in Perfect Kids Academy, is also found in 3010 Nurseries you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 7 nursery in Sporting , the same area of Perfect Kids Academy, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 363 nursery in Alexandria , the same city of Perfect Kids Academy, you can see them by clicking here.

    Perfect Kids Academy


    عمر الطفل سنين وشهور ولحظات ، واللحظات الاولى من عمر الطفل تحتاج الى احتراف فى بناء شخصيته وصولا الى طفل مميز عقليا وسلوكيا يمتلك مهارات ادراكيه وحركيه ولغويه وتواصل اجتماعى جيد وذلك من خلال خبراتنا وبرامجنا وفريق عمل واع ٍ وفاهم ومدرك لحقيقه الطفل وجميع جوانبه وتفاصيل شخصيته

    - اول حضانة فى الاسكندريه قائمة على اختبارات الذكاء

    - تقييم شامل للطفل عند التحاقه بالحضانة اختبار ذكاء I Q ستانفردبنيه, تقييم تخاطب – تقييم النمو السلوكى والادراكى للطفل .

    - مناهج متميزة فى اللغه الانجليزيه والفرنسيه واللغه العربيه .

    - برامج تنميه عقليه وتنميه الشخصيه مصممه على اسس علميه .

    - منهج منتسورى وقرآن كريم بطريقه نور البيان – تربيه اسلاميه .

    - انشطة متوعه ( تربيه رياضيه – موسيقى – مطبخ – كرافت ) .

    - قضاء وقت ممتع وشيق على مساحه 500 م  بحديقه طبيعيه ومكان صحى .

    - تشرف على الحضانة  د/ منى البصيلى اخصائيه الطب النفسى ومدير مركز Be Perfect  لتنميه الطفل .

     Be Perfect والحضانة احد فروع مركز  
    بالاسكندريه هذا المركز المتخصص فى تنميه الطفل من خلال مجموعه كبيرة من الخدمات التى يقدمها للطفل ( اختبارات وتقييم I Q – التدخل المبكر – صعوبات التعلم – التخاطب – تاهيل لفترة ما قبل المدرسه – استشارات نفسيه وتربويه للطفل والاسرة )


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