El Leithy School

01128587682 - 23207935

شارع الليثي من شارع الفيوم - دار السلام

    El Leithy School is in Dar El Salam, Cairo. El Leithy School is recognized by the keywords: Private Arabic, and Language, and Private, and Preparatory, and Primary, and fees from 4000 to 6000 EGP, and معتمدة من: الهيئة القومية لضمان جودة التعليم والاع.

    Private Arabic feature which is in El Leithy School, is also found in 22 Schools you can see them by clicking here

    Language feature which is in El Leithy School, is also found in 564 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Private feature which is in El Leithy School, is also found in 870 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Preparatory feature which is in El Leithy School, is also found in 680 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    Primary feature which is in El Leithy School, is also found in 804 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    fees from 4000 to 6000 EGP feature which is in El Leithy School, is also found in 361 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    معتمدة من: الهيئة القومية لضمان جودة التعليم والاع feature which is in El Leithy School, is also found in 18 Schools you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 34 school in Dar El Salam , the same area of El Leithy School, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 2364 school in Cairo , the same city of El Leithy School, you can see them by clicking here.