Stationery shop School Tool in Monofiya


El Nada Stationery

: Stationery shop

: ش بورسعيد, بجوار المطافئ, شبين الكوم, المنوفية

El Maaref Library

: Stationery shop

: ميدان شرف, شبين الكوم, المنوفية

Youssef Stationery

: Stationery shop

: قلتي الكبري

    There are 103 stationery shop in Monofiya. Those stationery shop are distributed on 10 areas. The highest number of stationery shop are in Ashmoun. There are 26 stationery shop in Ashmoun. Whereas the lowest number of stationery shop are in El Sadat. There are only 3 stationery shop in El Sadat. Stationery shop in Monofiya are categorizing their selves under 2 keywords. The most frequently used keyword is School Tool. 3 stationery shop categorized itself under School Tool.