: رقــــم 46 شـــارع فـلـســـطين - بعد سور شركة جابكو - أمام بنزينة التعاون - المـعـادي الجــديدة
: رقم 8 شارع الدكتور محمد مأمون متفرع من شارع عبد العظيم عوض الله - ميدان الحجاز- مصر الجديدة
: رقم 27 شارع الدكتور عبد الحي حجازي - خلف التوحيد والنور - مكرم عبيد - المنطقة الثامنة
There are 11,120 nurseries in Egypt. Those nurseries are distributed on 29 states. The highest number of nurseries are in Cairo. There are 2,314 nurseries in Cairo. Whereas the lowest number of nurseries are in Sharm El Sheikh. There are only 3 nurseries in Sharm El Sheikh. Nurseries in Egypt are categorizing their selves under 35 keywords. The most frequently used keyword is Montessori. 281 nursery categorized itself under Montessori. Nurseries in Egypt are also tagging their selves under 16 tags. The most frequently used tag is Government. 7,465 nurseries tagged itself by this tag.