Activities Tennis in Egypt


Ferrero Tennis Academy

: Activities

: نادى وادى دجلة، زهراء المعادى

Smash Tennis Academy - Air Port

: Activities

: خلف فندق نوفوتيل المطار

Smash Tennis Academy-Qatamia

: Activities

: فرع القطامية

Smash Tennis Academy - Smart Village

: Activities

: فرع القرية الذكية

İnternational Doorway Egypt

: Activities

: 18 ش شمبليون - ميدان التحرير

    There are 143 activities in Egypt. Those activities are distributed on 7 states. The highest number of activities are in Cairo. There are 90 activities in Cairo. Whereas the lowest number of activities are in Assiut. There are only 1 activities in Assiut. Activities in Egypt are categorizing their selves under 15 keywords. The most frequently used keyword is Entertainment and Trips. 11 activity categorized itself under Entertainment and Trips. Activities in Egypt are also tagging their selves under 1 tags. The most frequently used tag is Show map logo. 1 activities tagged itself by this tag.